December 2012

IPv6 Routeros Scripts

Most users/companies in China are using dynamitic IP address, and I wrote the script to update IP address to TunnelBroker automatically in RouterOS system. #Auto update IP4to6 client IP address #Script By Vincent Qiu 20121213 #\?username= &password= & :delay 30 :loc heuser "[username]" :loc hepass "[password]" :loc hetunnelid "[tunnel id]"...

Elastix Asterisk 笔记

公司使用Asterisk系统2年, 其中有一些配置, 这里做个笔记. IAX2 Trunk (two PBX connects each other) PBX1(ningbo) Trunk Name: beijing Peer Details: type=friend trunk=yes secret=***secret*** host=[beijing office IP] context=from-internal qualify=yes UserContext: ningbo type=user secret=***secret*** context=from-internal qualify=yes PBX2(beijing) Trunk Name: ningbo Peer Details: type=friend trunk=yes secret=***secret*** host=[ningbo office IP] context=from-internal qualify=yes UserContext: beijing type=user secret=***secret*** context=from-internal qualify=yes...


原文地址: 最近因为切糕炒得沸沸扬扬,这东西在宁波街头出现了,还是在汽车南站。于是有人被骗了,宁波直接出动特警。据新闻上说,‘警察说不要给我叼,这里是宁波’。 特警来了执行果然比警察霸气,管你是谁,只管命令。 有能力有胆量先直接上特警,这个人做事还是比较果断英明的。然后宁波市民们就觉得踏实了。